S2 Ep3: Donner Party on the Ocean


Okay, look–have we called multiple Unsolved Mysteries segments our “least favorite mystery” ever? Are we constantly saying how every lost treasure story is the worst one yet? Did we claim to hate Alcatraz more than anything else in the world? Yes. But we take all that back! Because this week we cover the biggest bummer in the history of bummers: a mystery in which a bunch of dogs are killed. Wait! Before you close your podcast app, we promise that we have done our best to lighten the mood and to point out all of the happy moments in this awful story (all the cute dogs!). Plus, we cover a ridiculously stupid scam and a “lost at sea” mystery that would make a great movie!

>VISIT OUR WEBSITE TO PURCHASE OUR FIRST MERCH. A limited run of “The Cackling has to Stop” tote bags will be for sale for $16 each. $1 of each tote bag sold will be donated to the Minnesota Innocence project. The Innocence Project is a nation-wide organization that works to free the wrongfully convicted: https://www.ipmn.org/

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> Outro music by Olivia Hinthong

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